In December 2020, the DC Council of the Whole passed legislation that addresses dyslexia in the city's K-12 schools. This law will provide training to teachers on how to identify dyslexia and gives additional resources to schools to address this common learning...
COVID-19 pandemic widens racial disparity in schools
In late January, when Washington, D.C. schools began offering in-person learning again amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, one thing became clear: Many minority students opted out, impacting education equity disparities even more. Minority students overwhelming chose...
Information about childhood trauma, its effects, getting help
Check out the links below for information and resources about trauma, toxic stress, their impact on children and the response of the pediatric, mental health and legal communities. Get Your Adverse Childhood Experiences Score:...
Trauma Impacts Children’s Behavior and Achievement in DC Schools
Happy New Year! The holiday season is fading deeper and deeper into our rear view. The season provided respite — an escape in which to bask in cultural and religious festivities, reconnect with family, reflect on the past year and make new commitments. For many...
Contact the Senate to Vote NO on Betsy DeVos
ACT NOW – BEFORE JANUARY 31, 2017! Call or Email your Senators: Call the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121 and ask for the office of your Senators Identify yourself as a constituent and the organization that you represent (if any) Find your Senator’s email...